
Smart Nutrition

Super 6 for Gut Health

These are the “Super Six” when it comes to gut health 🥰 The best way you can positively influence your gut health is to eat a diverse range of plants including a variety of: ⭐ Vegetables⭐ Fruits⭐ Nuts & seeds⭐ Beans & legumes⭐ Wholegrains⭐ Herbs & spices I like to think of our gut microbiome […]

Tips to improve your gut health

Gut health is central to how we feel. Good gut health helps to improve mood, appetite regulation, immune function, bowel function, bloating, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. This blog post covers 7 ways you can improve your gut health! 1. Plant Diversity Your gut loves variety! Aim for 30+ different types of plant foods per week. […]