
Smart Nutrition

When it comes to women’s health and wellbeing I like to refer to the 3 M’s…. Movement, Momentum, and Motivation. This cycle can be a positive and rewarding cycle or a negative and destructive cycle.

Movement can be physical movement (e.g. going for a walk or to the gym), or it can be movement in your behavior (think physical health, mental health, and performance- e.g. nutrition, hydration, self care, sleep, concentration, etc.)

If you regularly move your body and/or move your nutrition and lifestyle habits in the direction of your health and wellbeing goals, you start creating momentum. For example:

-You improve your sleep routine, your sleep quality improves, you feel more rested, you have better appetite control, you feel good, and that motivates you to maintain your new bedtime routine.

-You increase your protein intake at meals, you feel more satisfied, you no longer feel the need to snack on refined carbohydrate snacks, your energy levels stabilize, your cravings disappear, and you feel so much better, motivating you to continue this new way of eating.

-You start walking daily, your head feels clear, your stress seems to dissipate, you sleep better, your productivity improves, which motivates you to continue.

Often it is not just the new behavior that you want to continue, but you feel motivated to make further changes to feel good!

I see this consistently with the women I work with. Once you break a negative cycle of poor nutrition, poor sleep, heightened stress, lack of movement, and lack of self care, and start one by one making positive changes, everything starts to snowball in a wonderful way!

If you are struggling with how to create positive movement with your nutrition and lifestyle, and get the momentum and motivation you need for positive sustainable change, I can help you! Check out my Women’s Wellbeing 3 Week Nutrition & Gut Health Reset (step 1), which will start you on your journey to feeling your best. This is followed by step 2 of my program, the Women’s Wellbeing Circle, where you will cement healthy & sustainable nutrition and lifestyle changes to feel happy and healthy.